Monday, June 5, 2017

Reiki Craft Projects For Holistic Healing

By Zora P. Hays

Natural healing can only be actualized by a balanced and healthy body according to Usui Mikao. It is on this premises that he founded the healing practice that has grown to include the Reiki craft projects. The practice is aimed at tapping into the natural energy stream in order to achieve transformational healing. It supports the natural wellness systems of the body.

To enhance this healing process, the group has come up with such crafts as wraps, spirit dolls and tote bags. Others are burning bowl, journal covers and glass tile jewelry of different designs and colors. Wall papers and wall hangings come in a variety of themes to represent a unique form of art. There is a category specific for ladies that includes earrings, hats and shawls.

There are creative pieces of dragon fly earring, paper ornaments and candles for domestic use. Incredibly designed slippers offer options of functional pieces specially designed for adherents of this spiritual practice. There are fun t-shirts of different sizes and designs as well as fairly lingerie.

Reiki principles are to release anger, worry and being grateful for all blessings in life on daily basis. The lifestyle also advocates for devotion to work regardless of the environment. An individual following these principles is required to be kind to self and other living creatures. These principles should be chanted every morning and evening with the aim of cultivating purity of mind and spirit.

The physical, emotional, spiritual and mental balance is very important for any individual. This is the aim of engaging in the stipulated exercises. Relaxation exercises help an individual to feel calm and peaceful in all circumstances. In passing the healing and relaxation to others, the hands are placed gently a few inches above the body.

Reiki healing is gentle, safe and non-invasive. This makes it a desirable option for many people. It offers such benefits as pain relief, relaxation, better sleep and mental clarity. It also helps in reducing stress as well as enhancing a sense of well being for an individual.

Experts have cautioned against using this form of healing as a substitute to contemporary treatment. It should only be used to enhance the other forms of healing. Its adoption by many prestigious health organizations and availability of approval by relevant bodies is an indication of credibility.

Anyone can learn the practice at whichever age. It is used allover the world by different cultures and faiths. With no side effects or scars, it becomes an incredible boost for several health conditions. It allows you to tap into the universal natural energy stream for healing purposes.

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