Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Keep Your Child Active

By Richardo Manning

Let's face it. Bouncy houses are fun. Super fun. But for most grown-ups, they also come with that sickening feeling in the pit of your stomach. As great as it is to watch your kid bounce around with that gleeful smile on his or her face, it's equally awful to have to pull them out crying from some kind of accident. As fun as bouncy houses can be, they are undeniably dangerous. So do you just make them stay out forever? That's up to you. If you do decide to let them go on bouncing, here are a few tips to minimize the risk and keep your babies safe!

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Find your childhood journals and diaries and flip through them. It is amazing the gems you can find and the things you thought were so important as a 12-year old. Your imagination will be transported back in time to when you used to think on that sort of train of thought.

The easiest way to get your kids out of the house is to sign them up for organized sports. Everyone is interested in different things. This may mean baseball or it may mean ballet, but either way it is a great way for your children to find something that they love, that they are talented at, and that can keep them in good health.

If you are willing to pay the big bucks, you can go to a place where everyone is treated like princes and princesses. Find the kid inside of you at theme parks like Universal or Walt Disney World through riding rides and meeting old favorite characters. Age doesn't matter when it comes to dreams coming true.

Go to your hometown where you grew up and find your old house. Reconnect with old friends and neighbors of your family. You don't realize how important these landmarks are in your life until they are gone. Take pictures recreating the same style of photo you took years before of yourself or your family all grown up.

Daughters are 5.5 times less likely than sons to follow their parents' examples when it comes to watching television, but if they see their parents doing it, there is still a tendency to want to do it. Girls can participate in sports and activities just as well as boys can, so encourage those interests while they are still young.

These are just a few of the tips that can help you reconnect with the kid inside you. Don't let it get harder for you as you grow up to remember and reminisce on your childhood.

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