Friday, February 17, 2017

How To Control Sweets Craving

By James Spann

It is often challenging to deal with internal urge to get more sugars. In fact, the more sugar intake, the more is required. Given many health risks associated with high level of sugars in blood, it is often required that the sugar levels in the body is well balanced and controlled. If you are in the category of those who have sweets craving, be it physical or emotional, your sweet intake must be thoroughly checked.

Sweet craving is often an indication of blood sugar fluctuation. In most cases, it starts with dropping of blood sugar in the body, where the body responds by sending signals for additional sugars to keep it at the optimal level. It may also be an indication of hypoglycemia particularly if it is a chronic condition. Whichever the case, it is very crucial that you are careful with your food choice to ensure that your blood sugar is balanced.

Old habits die hard is a say that depicts just how hard it is to deal with this habit. It demands combined efforts from you, your family and friends. It is a step by step process with the aim of reducing on the sugar intake bit by bit till your body get used to lesser sweets. If you are wondering just where to start from, here are a few tips that will give you a head start.

Replacing these sugary food items with much healthier and nutritious alternative is your best weapon. Given that the feeling is associated with afternoons and evenings after meals, getting equipped with a box of raising or going for peppermint tea is often a better alternative. Fruits too have natural sugars that will satisfy the desire without exposing you to health risks associated with saturated and trans-fats. A glass of 100% natural fruit juice or dried fruit will definitely be a better option.

Nutritional experts also suggest that you should get busy and distracted given that this feeling only lasts for a couple of minutes. Buying your time out of sweet cravings may not be very easy, but the more engaging the activity you choose the more likely that you will succeed. Walking or jogging or even calling on friends are few of the options you have.

The other alternative is the use of goal setting and reward strategy. Rather than viewing the whole idea as a painful punitive process, you design a strategy where you reward yourself after having achieved some set targets. This turns the whole process into fun activity, with double motivation. You are not only escaping from obesity but enjoying yourself when doing it.

Even if all the above tricks do not work, those who keep healthy snacks around them always have easier time in getting rid of too much sugars. Most of the people find it much harder driving to the nearest stores just for candies when the snacks box is well packed with sliced mangoes. A quick search over the internet will avail thousands of cheaper and effective alternatives. Additional tips are also readily available over the net.

Whether is habitual or a sign of deficiency or unbalanced sugars in the blood, it is often good to do something about it. Too much calories in the blood fast accumulates into fats that are associated with several health risks. With determination and consistency however, you will be able to kick off sweets craving living longer and healthier life.

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