Monday, April 3, 2017

How To Build Muscle The Facts Explained

By Russ Howe

Most guys in the gym are lost. Lost in a world where it's seemingly impossible to figure out how to build muscle and how to create the type of physique the opposite sex find attractive. Stop guys. The truth is you're probably overlooking to proven basics and it's costing you.

Building a more muscular body is not rocket science.

To get the best results we often find that we need to go back to basics and that's exactly where so many gym members go totally wrong. They look for over complicated, often expensive, products and exercise plans when the truth is they could be getting superior results on their own.

Better still, you can workout without doubting yourself or your techniques because you know that everything you're doing is scientifically proven to work.
If you don't know how to build muscle today's interview will assist you a lot.

* Your diet should be tailored to building muscle.

* Learn the basics of Whey Protein and Creatine supplements.

* Workout to hit your hypertrophy zone.

* Do not neglect to have rest days.

* Sleeping is great for muscle building results so don't sell yourself short here.

The 5 simple rules above reveal the proven facts on how to take your present physique and develop it into a leaner, stronger version. There are further tips to add in at a later date, which we will show you in the future, but for now the original five are the best to get started with as they set the tone for a quality lifestyle change.

So let's look at some of the principles in a bit more depth to enable you to get the most from them all...

In order to get a muscle building diet you must be able to work out how many calories per day your body requires. Too many people get lost at this stage because they believe it has to be an exact science, when it doesn't. To get this ball park figure simply multiply your desired weight, in pounds, by fifteen.

The second area where folks find it easy to get themselves lost is supplements. It's easy to see why, too, with every company out there telling potential customers that their products are better than everybody else's. In truth you only really need to start off with the basics. The foundation of your nutrition should always come from your diet, hence the word 'supplement'. Use whey protein and creatine monohydrate supplements, everything else is unnecessary expenditure.

The third rule is an important one, because too many guys in the gym say things like, "I want to lose fat but I want to build muscle, too" and it leads them to having no structure in your workouts. To lose fat you should operate at a deficit, but to build size you should operate at a calorie surplus, so it's decision time guys. If you want to go for size and have built your diet for that goal you need to now structure your rep range specifically for building size, not just toning up. This means an 8-12 rep range, with a focus on big compound exercises.

In the articles following on from this we will look at some more of the principles as well as introducing you to some new ones to keep your results coming along. No more will you have to wonder how to build muscle because, with a little help, you will know.

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