Thursday, August 10, 2017

Learn The Secrets Of Happy Active Adults

By Camille Nicholson

If you want to boost your self esteem, the experts say there is no better way than to increase your activity levels. Active adults have the edge in life. According to research, they are more involved with friends and family, and seem to be happier than folks who sit passively on the sidelines and watch life pass them by.

The key is to get moving. And the good news is that it doesn't even have to be on a daily basis. The experts say exercisers should rest about two days a week. On the other five days, it's important to set aside dedicated time to focus on improving your activity levels. There are three main types of exercise that you can mix and match at different times in order to stay motivated.

Cardiovascular conditioning is essential. This is the type of activity you do to increase your heart rate. It could involve high impact movements, like jumping jacks or running. But many folks need to protect their knees, so they concentrate on less risky movements, such as brisk walking or even dancing.

For some people, it is easier to stay motivated if they go to group classes at a gym. But this is not the answer for everyone. Some are too shy to try to keep up with fitness instructors, while others may balk at the notion of spending money to join a sports facility. These folks may prefer to shop around for exercise DVDs that can be followed in private in the comfort of their home surroundings.

Strength training is another form of exercise that many people are learning to enjoy. You can use free weights to tone muscles in your arms and chest. There are also many things to do that require no equipment. For example, push ups and squats utilize your body weight as resistance. Form is important because you want to avoid injury. So it's recommended to hire a trainer, if you can afford it, to show you what to do. If money is a problem, trying visiting websites that offer free instruction.

Stretching comes next, and many people think that yoga is the optimal way to increase their overall flexibility. In fact, many professional athletes are adopting this ages-old practice. In some cases, it is mandated by their managers for the entire team. The fact that it feels so good is a bonus.

The direct benefits of staying active are well documented. It improves health by lowering blood pressure. It also reduces cholesterol levels and helps keep diseases like diabetes at bay. In addition, it assists in managing stress levels and leads to better sleep patterns.

Although this fact isn't widely publicized, your sexual health will benefit too. People who are proud of their bodies are more likely to continue to engage in intimate relations with their partners well into the golden years. They also seem to have higher levels of satisfaction in these relationships. It's all part of the wonderful array of benefits enjoyed by active adults.

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